
Dragoș Iliescu

Dragoș Iliescu is a Professor of Psychology with the University of Bucharest. Beside his academic career, he has been active as a consultant for the past 20 years, being involved in and having led important projects related to tests, testing and assessment (among them more than 100 test adaptation projects), mainly in East Europe, but also in Asia, Africa, and South America. His research interests group around two domains: applied psychology in the occupational and human resources area, and psychological assessment, tests and testing (with an important cross-cultural twist). Dragoș Iliescu has served in various capacities for a number of national and international professional associations; he is the current President (2016-2018) of the International Test Commission (ITC). He is an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Psychological Assessment, and the author of over 100 scientific papers, book chapters and books, among them the co-Editor of the acclaimed ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, published in 2016 by Oxford University Press.

Eli Eisenberg

Eli Eisenberg is a world-renowned pedagogue, as well as an international expert in the field of TVET (Technological and Vocational Education and Training). Dr. Eisenberg is frequently requested to consult Governments and International Organizations in fields of his expertise. In addition, Dr. Eisenberg is a sought-after lecturer in distinguished TVET forums.
Dr. Eli Eisenberg holds a Doctor of Science, M.Sc and B.Sc degrees of the Technion University, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa.
Among the functions held by Dr. Eisenberg: Establishment of a Technology Center in England; Membership in the Technion University research and teaching staff; Establishment of comprehensive National Technology Education network for Teachers Training in South-Africa.
In the above frameworks, Dr. Eisenberg developed and implemented research and evaluation of curricula; teacher training programs; development of teaching and learning materials and teaching aids; and support in the implementation of Technology Education at different school levels, colleges and industries.
Dr. Eisenberg published numerous critically acclaimed professional papers, research reports and books in the fields of Technology Education and Information and Communication Technology in education and training.

Mihai Dimian

Mihai Dimian is currently Professor and Vice-Rector at Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, following a ten-year experience as tenured Associate Professor / Assistant Professor at Howard University in Washington DC, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, USA and a post-doctoral fellowship from Max Planck Institute, Germany. His research interests are at the interface between mathematics, physics and engineering and include topics from applied electromagnetics, optoelectronics, nanoelectronics and communications. His R&D activities have been funded by 30 grants awarded in various national and international competitions (EU Framework Program 7, US National Science Foundations, US Army, RO National R&D Program, etc.), being director / responsible for 14 of them. He is the recipient of Romanian Academy Award and of various research and teaching awards from American and Romanian universities. 

Luisa-Maria Rosu

Luisa-Maria Rosu is leading the I-STEM Educational Initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Over the past decade, Dr. Rosu has served as an independent evaluator and researcher on more than 50 STEM-related educational projects. Her research interests include the quality of teaching and instructional design in STEM education programs, specifically the espoused values in the implicit and explicit criteria for judging the quality of STEM education practices. In 2014, Dr. Rosu received a CORE Early Career Fulbright U.S. scholar award, and in 2016 she received the YWCA leadership award for STEM education. Dr. Rosu received her Ph.D. in Continuing Teacher Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2010. She also holds an M.A in Applied Mathematics from the University of Southern California (2000) and an M.S. in Real and Complex Analysis from the University of Bucharest, Romania (1996).