ERIS – The Winter Stratospheric Polar Vortex

Workshop title: ERIS – The Winter Stratospheric Polar Vortex

Trainer(s): Alain Sarkissian, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)

Time allocated: 45min

Workshop goal: To understand the high altitude (10-30 km altitude called the stratosphere) atmospheric dynamics (wind) in polar regions in winter and its impacts on mid-latitude (40°N-60°N) issues

Target audience: All teachers

Registration: On-line, on the conference site. The selection will be made according to the options and the order of entries.

Topics approached in the workshop:

  1. The main parameter needed to understand the atmospheric dynamics (wind, circulation)
  2. How polar vortex is created, when, lifetime etc.
  3. Why it is important to observe and modelise the Polar Vortex


Workshop Description: The workshop will start with a 5 min presentation of the 5 UVSQ ERIS packages, followed by a 10 min presentation on the importance to understand atmospheric dynamics when studying the atmosphere. Then, we will use a tool called MIMOSA, used by scientists to interpret observations and to modelise the polar higher atmosphere (10-30 km altitude). Some parameters will be deduced from the images/ maps provided by MIMOSA by the teachers themselves, to initiate them to scientific activities using scientific approaches. At the end of the session, 5-10 min will be dedicated to a kahoot (online learning platform using quiz/games).


Participants are recommended to also have phones with internet access.


Required resources: computers or phone with internet access for Kahoot.